今まで様々な仕事をしてきましたが、「本当にこの仕事がやりたかったのか?」「何か自分らしいことをしたいが何も思い浮かばない。」「自分らしさって何だろう?」とここ最近思ってばかりです。この気持ちは私だけでないはず! そんな思いから、「自分が人生を賭けてやりたいことを探す道程」を記事として投稿し、様々な方と交流し意見交換をしたいと思い、このブログをはじめました。
I started this Blog !
I’ve had a lot of different jobs up until current, However lately I’ve been wondering , “Do I really want to do that ?” , “I want to do something that’s unique to me, but I can’t think of anything.” and “What does it mean to be myself ?” I’m just thinking. I’m sure I’m not only one who feels this way ! With this in mind, I started this blog to post articles about my journey to find what I want to do in life, and to interact and exchange opinions with various people.
It’s my first time blogging, so there are a lot of things I’m unfamiliar with, but I’m going to gradually increase the frequency of my posts. If you are interested, please give us various opinions.
Please note.
I am currently learning English, and would like to post on this Blog in both Japanese and English. However, since I’m not familiar with English, my grammar may be wrong.